Educator Workshops
We connect teachers with practical resources and lessons
All of our Evolve Educator workshops celebrate the amazing opportunities
the online world provides while highlighting the strategies needed to
minimise the risk associated with it.
Our educator workshops are available as a webinar or face-to-face workshops, though we recommend face-to-face where possible for greater collaboration and engagement after a long school day.
The sessions are highly interactive and engaging, allowing teachers to work together in their teams to address issues specific to their level, while also gaining a general overview of the common issues across different year levels.
Educator Workshops
Digital Harms and Device Dependency
1 - 1.5 hours
This session equips educators with information on:
- student wellbeing
- device dependency and avoiding ‘tech tantrums’
- setting screen time & communication limits
- why gaming and social media are addictive
- media agreements
- Evolve’s Digital Wellbeing Challenge

Balance and Boundaries
1 - 1.5 hours
This session equips staff with information on:
- digital wellbeing and setting limits
- students wellbeing and device dependency
- understanding teen device use
- online harms and understanding the 4Cs
- social media, body image and self harm
- pornography and gaming addiction
- Evolve’s Digital Wellbeing Challenge

1 - 1.5 hours
This session focuses on:
- image-based abuse
- sextortion
- sexting and the law
- cyberviolence in teen relationships
- cyberbullying
- objectification and ‘spectatorism’
- exposure to graphic and pornographic content
- online relationships and respect

Risks, Responses and Reporting
1 - 1.5 hours
Educators are provided with the skills to:
- identify negative online behaviour
- assess incident severity and next steps
- deal with disclosures
- resolve and report instances of cyberbullying
- provide support to both target
- and instigator
- manage offline ramifications

Vulnerability Online
1 - 1.5 hours
This session highlights the additional challenges marginalised students face online. We work with schools to promote greater online safety and improve digital wellbeing amongst students who may be at risk. This session focuses on:
- risk factors that may lead to higher levels of negative exposure in online environments
- the specific skills these students need to prevent, identify and report dangerous or damaging content or behaviour
- organisations that support schools with students at risk

Cybersafety and Social Media
1 - 1.5 hours
This session equips educators with information on:
- misuse of popular social media platforms
- use of social media by educators
- student abuse of images of school employees
- social media exposure and unwanted contact
- reporting and the law
- body Image, airbrushing and identity